Let me start off by saying I hate being in a funk, just simply hate it. My personality is usually bubbly, happy go lucky, you know the type you just wanna punch sometimes because they are TOO happy? Well that is NOT me these days. I find myself dragging during the day, not wanting to do things that I used to love to do and frankly just want to spend all of my time in bed. If only, right? I DO have two children after all that need their momma so that is not an option. It sure doesn't change how I feel though.
I decided enough is enough and it is time for a change. Not having a trying to conceive game plan anymore sure leaves a whole lot of time for thinking. And no, I'm not doing the dwelling on it, woe is me, type of thinking. These moments of thought usually result in great things. So even though my situation sucks and my journey of expanding our family is dwindling down and coming to and end, there WILL be positives coming from this.
First things first, this momma needs to start taking care of herself. For real! I have always heard A Happy Mom is a Happy Home. I'm starting to believe it so I plan on putting this to the test. So I am now focusing on ME and what makes ME happy. First plan of attack is to treat myself to one nice thing a week. It can be as simple as taking the time to paint my nails or reading a book that I enjoy, instead of a children's book. Or, taking my mocha outside in the morning and watching the sunrise in complete silence.
The next thing I want to do is focus on my health and body. If I can't get pregnant I might as well get myself in the best tip top shape I can be and be the hottest momma in town. ;) I fell out of my very good work out groove I was in when I was forced to sit out from working out. Getting back into a consecutive daily routine has been tough and I can find the simplest of excuses to make myself NOT work out. So goal #2, work out DAILY, 7:20am sharp, no excuses.
My next plan of attack in helping myself feel better is I am splurging on ME and only me. I am one of those people who puts myself last. If I get birthday money, it usually gets spent on somebody else, with the plan that I will replace that money and spend it on me. Nope, never happens. I am going to make it happen. As much of a coupon frugal freak I am, I am actually going to bite the bullet and go shopping for myself, at Victoria's Secret. There's no way I can buy for somebody else there! Ha. But no worries, I have my coupons for my free panties and coupons for money off bras, and I plan on using every one of them. ;)Day 1 of Operation: Feel Better. Wake up at 4:30am (while the girls are still asleep) make myself a mocha, set up the foot soaker/massager with my new aromatherapy Lavender/Chamomile salts, (that I bought for myself yesterday while at the store!!) turn off all sounds and RELAX. Day 1, done!