Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Challenge and Cycle Updates

I cannot believe I never posted about our challenge the hubby and I worked out. I approached him at the beginning of my cycle and challenged him that he couldn't do the deed with me every other day until 3 days AFTER ovulation. I thought this was a no-brainer challenge as that would guarantee him nookie every other day throughout the month!! Well he decided to come back at me with if he holds up his end of the deal then he gets his fishing license early. I thought, why not? He won't be able to keep up for that long, works for me. So, deal is, do the deed every other day until 3 days after O, if he misses one day, then our agreement is null and void and he must wait until Father's Day for his fishing license. 

Just recently we have had some modifications on both parts. He has decided to give up the fishing license quest and instead work for beer!! LOL So on days that we're scheduled to DTD, he gets a beer or two and I get laid!! SCORE!! Since he got to modify his end of the bargain I did too. I know my body is gearing up to ovulate now and have requested that we DTD every day until 3 days after O. Which would sound like alot of pressure for my dear husband, but really, it's another win-win for him. He gets beer and laid EVERY DAY until I O!!! How can he turn that down??

Now for a cycle update. I had 6 days of spotting this cycle with it ending yesterday. Which is one day more then last cycle. The very shitty and breath holding part is that I ran out of NPC!!!! I am so holding my breath to see what will happen. I saw I was running out, as did DH, so he had me order more and I thought it'd be here in time, but nope! So, I have 2 old empty bottles of NPC, that if you take apart the pump mechanism, there is about 1/2-1 tsp of NPC in there. I seriously look like a feign tearing apart NPC bottles to scrape out that last remnants of NPC!! LOL

I had my usual temp drop this morning that usually happens just 2 days before O, so all is lining up nicely now. Now if my NPC will just get here and DH will give up the nookie every day til here til after O, I think we might just have a chance at catching my egg!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello everyone, my name is Stephanie Sally. I am from Wembley, Britain. I want to write this testimony to tell others and thank Dr. Odunga for what he has done for me. The first 12 years of my marriage I had 5 miscarriages and I was called all sorts of names by my mother-in-law and this my marriage life was very hectic and a burden of sorrow. I contacted Dr. Odunga for help and I will say that he is a very strong and honest man and he indeed helped me solve my problem. I saw his email in a testimony and I contacted him, little did I know it would be the end of all my problems. After 2 days of contact, I received a fertility herb and he told me to use it. The herb worked and my husband even loved me more and bought me expensive things. One afternoon, I went to a nearby hospital and came back home with the positive result of my pregnancy and after 9 months I gave birth to a baby boy. Ever since I contacted Dr. Odunga, my story has been different. I have 3 children at present and I am very happy in my marriage.

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