I always reminisce on my girls' births on their birthday. I have never written them out, so this will be all from my recollections.
Emma's Birth-May 14th, 2007
Around 1 am I woke up and felt wet down below and thought maybe it was just sweat. Went pee and fell back asleep. My husband was supposed to go to work that day, so when I woke up at 7, feeling wet again, I told him I think my water broke, but I wasn't sure. For whatever reason, I did not believe it, because it was not a steady trickle or a huge gush like it was when Chey's broke. I told him don't worry, go ahead and go to work, I'll be fine. I went and stood in Emma's room staring at her crib all set up and just waiting for a baby to fill it. Then I had another gush, although just a small one. Lance suggested maybe calling my doctor and seeing what they said, as he knew how quick my last labor was (2 hours 22 min.from time water broke to time she was delivered) and didn't want to risk anything.
I called my doctor and got his nurse, Becky, whom I LOVED, even though week after week she inflicted major pain on me by injecting me with Progesterone shots, in hopes of keeping me from delivering preterm as I did with Chey. It worked apparently!! Becky said she advises all patients who have any sort of wetness like that to go into Triage at the Birthing Center and get checked out. My heart skipped a beat for a minute when I realized that today might be the day that I have our baby. We had had all the bags ready to go since I was 32 weeks, for fear that I would deliver early and I wanted to be prepared. Everything any laboring mother could ever need.
In my hubby's bag was massage oils, cameras, 1 digital camera, 1 35mm film camera with MANY rolls of film and extra batteries, tennis balls in case I got back labor again and hubby could massage my back with them, snacks in case he got hungry, massaging gadgets, and I believe a change of clothes for him. In my bag was several changes of clothes, all the toiletries I would need, makeup and hair accessories because I knew lots of pictures would be taken and I wanted to look good for them, relaxing cd's to listen to, Chey's PSP for entertainment, sudoku books with plenty of pens, my birth plan, plenty of clean panties and pads for after the birth. Emma's bag was her diaper bag full of diapers, her going home outfit, several outfits, sleepers, her baby book, with a stamp pad because for some reason I thought they would need it to stamp her footprints into her baby book (keep in mind my last delivery was 11 years prior and was VERY traumatic and FAST!!) and her boppy pillow so I could breast feed comfortably in the hospital. You think we had enough stuff? We (and when I say we, I mean Lance, :)) gathered up all the bags into the car while I did the last minute running around. I had to make sure my hair and makeup were done, teeth were brushed, tea was made and took one last look at Emma's empty crib and thought this will be the last day it will be empty. We headed off to the hospital.
I wasn't really having any contractions, not any that I felt anyways. Since I was high risk for preterm labor and have been having contractions since 28 weeks, I didn't feel anything worse then what I had already been feeling. Part of me was still in denial that my water had broke. Got to triage, and laid down on the bed, allowing amniotic fluid to pool so they could check it and see if it was in fact my water that had broken. I was handed a hospital gown and told to put it on, despite my birth plan which stated that I wanted to labor and birth in my own clothes. I went along with it as she hooked me up to the monitors to check baby's heartbeat and monitor contractions. She left for a while, and came back a bit later to confirm that my water had in fact broken and they would be keeping me. At that time she did a quick ultrasound and we discovered that Emma was sunny side up, which is not an optimum birthing position as they're supposed to be face towards the floor not up facing momma. I knew immediately that with her being sunny side up, that it would mean difficulties in pushing her out. After the nurse left, my mother in law came in. I'm not sure at what point my husband had called her but she was the most excited I have ever seen her. We filled her in on the news that today would be the day. We also asked her if she could go pick Chey up from school as she wanted to there for the birth of her first sibling. She did as we got moved into our labor/birthing room.
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Hanging out waiting for contractions to start. |
Since we had left all the bags in the car, Lance took the time to run down and get them all, as well as my birthing ball. I knew I wanted to labor on it as long as possible to help bring Emma down into the birth canal. Shift change took place and I got a new nurse. I went over my birth plan with her and when she read the part about me wanting to labor in my own clothes she asked me why I was in a hospital gown then. I told her I was told to put it on. She told me that I didn't have to wear it and could wear what I felt comfortable in, so I out my clothes back on. I knew I was gonna like this nurse!! We went over paper work and the whole no pain med paper work. I did not want any and she knew that but informed me that if I signed the paper work declining pain meds that it would also mean IF I had to have a c-section, that it would mean no pain meds for that either. So I stipulated on the paper work, epi only in case of an emergency c-section.
This nurse knew that Emma was sunny side up and had me get into a position where I was on all fours on the bed with my torso draped over the birth ball, so that Emma could turn and get into prime birthing position. I had my mother in law, my best friend Daleyne, my daughter Cheyenne, and of course my husband all in the room with me. We were all sitting around talking, laughing, watching tv, doing crossword puzzles and just having a good time. We all took guesses at how big Emma would be at birth, I had guessed 6 lbs 7 oz and Lance's guess was 7 lbs 6 oz. I still was not feeling any contractions, despite them showing up on the monitors. I was extremely grateful for Daleyne as she was taking pictures of it all. The nurses pretty much left us alone the whole time only to come in to turn up the Pitocin. Since they had started an IV drip and was giving me extra fluids as well, I was constantly having to pee. So, Lance would help me unhook all the wires, drape them over my neck and help me walk into the bathroom.
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Lance holding the monitors in place so we could still see if I was contracting and how Emma was tolerating them. |
Around 3:15, after my latest bathroom trip, I laid down in the bed, kinda bored and started to play Chey's PSP, and at that point I had actually felt my first contraction. Lance had stepped outside to smoke, and I remember thinking man, I wish he was here right now. Lance's mom had gone home earlier to check on her husband and to get a bite to eat. I couldn't concentrate on the game I was playing so I put it down on my lap. Chey asked me if that one was a good one and I told her yes. Then Lance came back in and I had to make yet another bathroom trip. As I got back into the bed, my water started gushing BAD!! I whispered to him, it won't stop pouring out.
At 3:30 the contractions started for real. The nurse came in and told me baby wasn't tolerating them to well and that I should lay on my right side. When that happened, the contractions came right on top of each other and all I could do was grab a hold of the railing and hold on tight. Lance was behind me and started rubbing my back, in which I asked him to stop, that it was bothering me. He did, without any hard feelings. The nurse was explaining to me me this is what they called coupling contractions where they are right on top of each other. I was getting NO break from them. She started fidgeting with the monitors on my belly which was pissing me off so I slapped her hand away and told her don't touch me. I was profusely sweating at this time and hoping that it would be over soon.
When I was in triage I was dilated to 2 and had not had any cervical checks after that so I had no clue where I was at at that point. All of a sudden I felt the overwhelming urge to push and made it loud and clear that I was pushing. The nurse and Lance both said, no don't push!! I said I can't help it, I have to push!! Then everything became so rushed!!! Cheyenne and Daleyne stepped outside as I didn't feel comfortable with my daughter seeing that side of me. The doctor came in and quickly gowned up, and him and Lance rolled me over onto my back and took off my pants. Dr Weeks, kept telling me not to push. I could hear that frantic sound in Lance's voice as he cradled my head in his arms and whispered in my ear, "Baby, PLEASE don't push!" His voice settled me a bit but the urge was still there. I was given the ok to go ahead and push, but was then told to slow it down as he didn't want me to tear. I gave one more steady push, a very loud scream and Emma was delivered. Time of birth, 4:00pm, just 30 minutes after contractions started.
No tears, no epsiotomy, and a very healthy baby girl who weighed....6 lbs 7 oz, and 19 inches long!!! Momma knows best!! Part of my birth plan was to let the cord stop pulsing before clamping and cutting but since everything happened so quick at the end, the dr was not informed of that request of mine and immediately clamped the cord and had Lance cut it. It was such an amazing sight to see Lance bonding with Emma. Chey and Daleyne came back in and we all took turns holding her and ooh'ing and ahh'ing over her. Chey helped out with the bath but was so scared to touch her for fear she would hurt her. The nurse was great in helping her overcome her fears. Nana missed the birth but came back in time to shed a few tears and cuddle with her newest granddaughter.