Monday, May 21, 2012

10 Wondfo Pregnancy Tests Giveaway

Since I am waiting for my body to do something, anything, (which with its track record will most likely be nothing) I am trying to pass the time with some fun! So what better then to start by giving away something that I don't have a use for? ;) (I have a sick sense of sarcasm, and that was just a taste of it there.) I won a lot of Wondfo home pregnancy tests (a couple of them actually) from Maria over at Life, Loss and Other Things Worth Mentioning and I am kicking off my set of giveaways with a lot of (10) Wondfo home pregnancy tests. For those who are not familiar with these handy dandy little pregnancy strips, they are super simple, super cheap and super addictive! The fact that they are super cheap helps with the addiction. I can usually find a lot of 25 for about $5 on Amazon. So, win yourself some and try them out for yourself.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. sorry Auto correct WHo won this LOL

  2. The winner for this giveaway was Lynella. I will be posting another HPT giveaway today so you'll have another chance at winning. Good luck!
