Friday, February 24, 2012

* update

First things first, Femara cycle #2 did not result in pregnancy but it did help me to ovulate, and hyperstimulate. I started feeling better halfway through my luteal phase which was my first indication that this would be another busted cycle. I was starting to actually come to terms with my mandated cycle break and was looking forward to a month off.

I felt myself starting to get down and usually can find some activities/hobbies to help me out of my funk. Day after day, I felt weepy and just generally like there was a black cloud hanging over my head. I decided to call my OB/GYN and have him run a Vitamin D level blood draw to see where my levels were at, knowing that a deficiency can play a part in depression. Ob had no issues running it and just as I suspected my levels were low. Low end of normal is 30 and my levels were a whopping 17. I was instructed to start taking 2000iu/day until my OB got back in town to give me proper dosage. So now add that to the mix of my body's malfunctions....(in order of diagnosis) Endometriosis, PCOS, Septate Uterus, and now Vitamin D Deficiency. I'm not asking what's next!

Which is apparently a good thing I didn't ask what's next because I got that answer anyways. My Ob had a chance to look over my charts I faxed in and indeed I am ovulating on the Femara, but he is not willing to prescribe it long term. The next step is to schedule a fertility appointment to discuss our options of pursuing further testing or IUI/IVF. Hubby and I have our views/opinions on Assisted Reproductive Technology and have decided that it is not an option for us. This now leaves us either looking into WHY we are not getting pregnant despite the meds making me ovulate or nothing. The appointment alone would be billed as fertility and as most know in this game, if it has ANYTHING to do with fertility, you are footing the whole bill, insurance won't cover a dime. In addition, the further tests would also be out of pocket expenses. My Ob has decided that he is not willing to prescribe anymore fertility meds without discussing our options and the options that we are now facing, are not even an option for us.

I did also receive a call from my primary dr who was sent the results from my Vit D and I was given a prescription for 50,000iu Vitamin D to be taken once a week for 6 weeks then resume OTC Vitamin D supplements. I am hoping that once we get my levels up where they should be that my body starts ovulating on its own, as at this point, that is going to be my only hope and chance for expanding our family.

As much as I was looking forward to this much needed break, the news of my dr assisted journey coming to an end has me heartbroken.


  1. BIGGEST HUGS girl!!! I know this feeling and I have been there. I did go forward from the point you are at but was told to stop because there was nothing more they could do for us. There are not alot of words right now but know that when this happened for me~it was not the end of our journey!!!! Praying for you everyday!!!! <3 Michelle

  2. Someone on facebook posted a picture of a sign that read something like-
    God has 3 answers to your prayers:
    1. Yes.
    2. No.
    3. I have something better in mind.

    I think God has something better in mind for you. It stinks, trust me I know, but I promise it will be worth the wait, the heartbreak, and the tears.

    I'm glad they caught the Vitamin D thing. I think I read something about Vitamin D deficiency being linked to fertility issues... Maybe the vitamin will help more than depression!


  4. HUGS! So sorry to hear about this turn of events. Hopefully the vitamin D will make a difference!
