This is going to have to be a post that will be updated throughout as I find more books to recommend. (thank you April for this idea)
Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler ~ This hands down is the BEST book you will find with so much info about the woman's body and how its works, down to how to chart, what your charts mean, and everything in between. I highly recommend this be ALL woman's first reading if they want to learn about the working's of a woman's body.
The Infertility Cure by Randine Lewis, Ph. D.
Recipes for the Endometriosis Diet by Carolyn Levett ~ This book is awesome for women who want to do the Endo diet but don't know where to turn as far as what they can still eat. Has a bunch of suggestions on substitutes, recipes and ideas. I recently found this book online in e-book format, so you can read it for free! ~